Category - Articles

Articles about technology, productivity and living in Europe.

The year 2059 has come

  How would the world be 40 years from now? Population, technology, cure of diseases, transportation and privacy? I’ve decided to write some thoughts that crossed my mind together with researches, books I’ve read and check this post again in 2059 (I hope I’m still alive) and...

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Oracle Cloud Day Ireland 2016

In this article I’ll not go into detail on technical stuff. It will be focused in the news that Oracle presented in the Oracle Cloud Day that was held in Dublin in November 2016. Oracle Enterprise Cloud Strategy This is the model presented by Oracle for Enterprise Cloud Strategy. Up to...

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Challenge yourself

  How many times have you tried to do something but the voice inside your head said: you can’t do it, you have no talent for this. Well, I thought the same thing until I decide to ignore my voice and go ahead with my challenge. You can try it as well and you might be surprised with...

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Oracle licensing guide

Caught off guard by Oracle licensing? Well you’re not alone. This post will cover things that I’ve needed to check over time to see if there is any “catch” special licensing required for using Oracle components. This document will be a guide for me as well so probably it...

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